Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Final Progress Report

The poster above shows the finished product of my semester long project for the Pittstown Historical Society.  This society requested that I take a number of their historic Farmsteads and digitalize them into professional maps.  The poster illustrates the time and effort put into making this vision a reality.  It includes an introduction to the Pittstown Historical Society, an objective, methodology, the digitalization process, data sources, and results for creating the digitalized maps, as well as two finished products (Howard and Auclair).  I have gained much knowledge and experience doing this project and working for a real client.  Doing this project allowed me to apply my GIS knowledge in a real world situation, and witness what hard work and commitment can create.  This project was definitely an assignment that I enjoyed.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Progress Report

Unfortunately, my last post failed to show the finished map of the Howard Farmstead.  This is probably for the better, as my client requested a few changes that needed to be made before it could be stamped as officially done and ready for professional use.  This week and next week will be dedicated to making the necessary changes that my client has requested to both the Howard and Auclair Farmstead maps.  In fact, I have made an appointment with Dr. Meierdiercks to make sure the changes I make are done correctly and the maps are looking professional. I also hope to complete the Gifford map before the semester comes to a close, but this will depend on time.  Once I finish the Howard and Auclair maps, I hope to figure out why I was not able to post them in my last entry and put them on up this blog for others to view.